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If you’re off work sick for seven days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you’ve been ill. If you’re off work sick for more than seven days, your employer will usually ask you to provide proof that you’ve been ill. They will normally ask for a Fit Note from your GP. Fit notes may also be called medical statements or a doctor’s note.
The seven days includes days that you don’t normally work. When you work out how long you’ve been off sick, you should include weekends and bank holidays.
Your employer can ask you to confirm that you’ve been ill. You can do this by filling in a form yourself when you return to work. This is called self-certification (SC2) which is available from your employer or Click here to download the Self Certification Form.
If you’re sick and off work for more than seven days, your employer will probably ask for proof of your illness. Most employers ask for a fit note from your GP.
However, this will also depend on your employer’s company policy on sick leave (or sickness absence). This policy should tell you how many days you can be off sick before you need to provide proof of illness or a fit note.
A fit note must be signed by a doctor, such as your GP. Your doctor will assess you, and if he or she decides that your health affects your fitness for work, they can issue a fit note and advise that:
For more information, including what ‘may be fit for work’ means, see What are Fit Notes
If you need a Fit Note, contact the Surgery, if you’re under the care of a hospital, your Fit Note may be issued by the hospital rather than the Surgery.
There is never a charge from an NHS doctor for providing a Fit Note if you’re off sick from work for more than seven days.
Some employers may request a Fit Note from employees who repeatedly take time off sick, for example, even if each time they’re off work it’s for seven days or fewer.
For sickness of seven days or fewer, the Surgery may charge you to provide a Fit Note.
Please note that we can only process a Fit Note application 24 hours before your previous note runs out. If you haven’t had a Fit Note or have a new issue please consult a doctor before applying for a Fit Note. Please allow 48 hours for your request to be processed.