Broom Leys Surgery

Broom Leys Road, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 4DE

Telephone: 01530 832095


Travel Vaccinations

General Practice is not contracted to provide Travel Advice, so we are unable to provide this service.

We would propose that if you are about to embark on your travels and need to know what travel vaccines you require, that you approach a private provider for advice in relation to your upcoming travel vaccines.

The practice is however contracted to provide patients with the following NHS vaccines in relation to travel.

  • Hepatitis A (infectious Hepatitis) ¬ first and second/booster doses
  • Combined Hepatitis A & B – two doses with a third for over 16s
  • Typhoid – first and second/booster doses
  • Combined Hepatitis A and Typhoid – first and second/booster doses
  • Tetanus, Diptheria & Polio – as given in the combined Td/PV vaccine
  • Cholera

Once you have sought your travel advice, and if it identifies you requiring one or more of the above, please book an appointment with the practice to obtain the NHS travel vaccine.

Please ensure you arrange to have your vaccine in plenty of time before you intend to travel.

Travelling in Europe

If you are travelling to Europe the EU has published useful information for travellers on the European website

When Abroad

Check on the quality of drinking water. If in doubt either drink bottled water or use water purification tablets. Avoid ice in drinks as this may well have been made from suspect water. Raw vegetables, salads and fresh fruits should be carefully washed in clean water. If in doubt stick to freshly cooked food.

Beware of the sun! Use a high factor sunscreen particularly in the first few days of exposure. Children in particular should be closely monitored during this time. In hot climates drink plenty of non-alcoholic drinks. If you are not passing water regularly you are not drinking enough.

On Your Return

If you fall ill don’t forget to tell your doctor that you have travelled abroad. If you have received treatment abroad then tell your own doctor on your return. When donating blood tell the transfusion staff which countries your have visited.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 12:45pm
    01:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 12:45pm
    01:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 12:45pm
    01:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 12:45pm
    01:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 12:45pm
    01:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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